
Educational Administration and Inspection - Post Graduate Program with Thesis: This program has been established with the purpose of raising inspectors, administrators, education experts, and raising those follow on their academic careers by applying Ph.D. programs. The starting point of this program was a program for raising inspectors in Department of Pedagogy in Gazi Teacher Training Institute. The program that gave undergraduate education was closed down with a regulation in 1997 and Department of Educational Administration, Inspection, Planning, and Economy started to give only post graduate education.

Educational Administration and Inspection - Non-Thesis Post Graduate Program: The purpose of the program is to train inspector, administrator, educational specialists employed in the field of educational administration and inspection and to train those who follow doctoral programs carrying on his or her works.

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration and Inspection: The purpose of this program is to train instructors in the field of educational administration and inspection and researchers, and high-level administrators.


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